Why Landlords Need to Use Professional Photography

As a landlord, you need to understand that great photos can make all the difference in attracting tenants quickly. With more renters searching for homes online, high-quality photos are now an essential part of marketing your rental property effectively. Here’s why landlords should use professional property photography.

Stand Out from The Competition

Most rental listings today include photos. Lacking images or using poor-quality shots will make your listing look unappealing compared to others with professional photos. Great photos capture a renter’s attention, show off your rental in the best light possible and entice renters to find out more. Using a pro property photographer ensures your images look top-notch, helping prospective tenants visualise living in your property.

Increase Online Visibility

Online platforms like Zoopla and Rightmove rely heavily on photos to showcase rental listings. Eye-catching photos incorporated into your listing help it pop on search pages so more prospective renters will click on it. Additionally, rental sites may position listings with pro photos more prominently in searches because they recognise such listings convert better. 

Accelerate The Letting Process

Great photography delivers benefits at every stage, from when renters first view your ad to when they step inside your property for showing. At the outset, professional photos quickly convey your rental’s layout, size, finishes and personality, helping prospective tenants decide if they want to learn more. During showings, renters who have already viewed the listing’s fantastic photos often feel like they are simply confirming their positive first impressions. This speeds up their decision process so you receive applications faster.

Maximise Viewings and Applications

The first interaction most renters will have with your rental is through photos, so making them shine is crucial. If unappealing or inadequate pictures fail to spark interest, renters simply click away, and you lose out on a potential tenant. Conversely, listings with first-class photography see up to 200 percent more online views and generate more leads. By showcasing your property exceptionally well, pro photos motivate more renters to schedule in-person viewings and apply.

Justify Asking Rent

A rental that looks expensive will fetch higher rents, so professional photography delivers value beyond just attracting more viewers and tenants. It mentally primes renters that your asking rent is justified, whether they’ve seen pictures online first or view photos during showings. Additionally, pro images make rooms appear larger and brighter, emphasising key selling points like spacious layouts. This makes renters more willing to pay your asking price.

Handle Challenging Spaces Skill-fully

While smartphone cameras and basic point-and-shoots have improved, they still struggle with certain spaces like narrow hallways or dimly lit rooms. But professional property photographers are highly skilled at lighting and shooting tricky areas to make them look aesthetically pleasing. No matter how awkward the floor plan or lacklustre the decor, an expert will photographically enhance your rental’s specifications.

Showcase Any Property Type

Working with properties day in and day out equips pro property photographers to capture any residential rental to its best advantage – whether that’s a studio flat, multi-bedroom house, trendy urban apartment or classic countryside cottage. Seasoned photographers understand how to highlight sought-after details that attract tenants for every property style. They also use the latest photographic techniques to overcome issues amateurs wrestle with like distortions or lack of sharpness.

Now you are convinced why you should consider professional photography as a landlord. Find the best local property photographer and start marketing your property. 

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